Testing The Water

Is nitrogen that drains from paddocks into aquifers and waterways contributing to New Zealand’s high rate of colorectal cancer? This article, by Andrea Graves from the Listener, is a must-read

DIY soil health assessments guide

Soil is a foundation of an orchard’s productivity and profitability. Healthy soil holds more plant nutrients, both as organic matter and sorbed onto the organic matter.

Land use capability and change webinar

A webinar of our Land use capability and change seminar held on the 18th of February 2022, at Bay park.

Stream Health Check

Author: Beef & Lamb New Zealand

This assessment form is designed for landowners to assess critical aspects of their waterway as an indication of its current level of ecological health. Thank you to Beef & Lamb New Zealand for developing this tool with Dr. Russell Death.

Catch a Good Feeling – Build a Wetland….

Author: Alison Dewes

The wet season has shown all of us the super boggy places on our farms.
What a great year to work out where all the flow paths go.

Read more >

Integrating Forestry & Carbon into Farming

Author: Graham West

A summary of integrating forestry covering productivity, scale, tree species, siting and financials. 

Maintaining Farm Profitability to Meet Environmental Requirements

Author: Phil Journeaux

This presentation details the drivers of on-farm emissions, He Waka Eke Noa options, on-farm technologies, how to differentiate farm profitability and what farmers need to think about.


The Waihi Estuary Catchment data

A draft summary of available catchment
data for the Waihi Estuary Catchment in response to the action raised at the first
steering group meeting.

Ecological Trends

Update on ecological changes and state
Feb 2016

The following report provides information on the current state and trends in ecological health of Waihī Estuary.

Flow Paths

The LWS Science report
Waihi Estuary Kopurereua

Kopurererua and Waihi Estuary catchments, as with much of lowland, coastal
New Zealand, waterlogging in poorly drained soils were overcome through the installation of extensive drainage systems. 

Coastal Catchments Report

Kaituna WMA report final single WQ report

A summary of our science information on current trends for water quality, quantity, freshwater ecosystems and estuary health in the Kaituna- Pongakawa-Waitahanui WMA. 

Fisheries Assessment

Fisheries report

The National Policy
Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) requires regional councils to establish freshwater objectives and subsequently set limits to give effect to those objectives.

Targets for Contaminants

Estimating faecal contamination targets

As required by the National Policy Statement
for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM), Bay of Plenty Regional Council must implement freshwater objectives, limits and methods for achieving agreed sustainable management of freshwater quality and quantity in the region.

Targets for Nutrients

Interim nutrient guideline for Waihi and Maketu Estuaries

As required by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, Bay of Plenty Regional Council must implement freshwater objectives, limits and methods for achieving agreed (with community input) sustainable freshwater quality and quantity in the region.


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