Grendon Boynton
Ko Maungapohatu te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te Awa
Ko Mataatua te Waaka
Ko Tuhoe te Iwi
Ko Piripari me Matahi nga Marae
Ko Tamakaimoana te Hapu
Ko Tatua-o-te-rangi te Wharekai
Ko Tamakaimoana te Whare Tipuna
Ko te Whiu Maraki te Tangata
Since 2002, Grendon has been an advocate for social enterprise and entrepreneurship, drawing upon sound business techniques and private sector approaches to solve social, cultural, or environmental issues and challenges.
He recently established a housing collective of like-minded people, companies and organisations focused on helping whānau build papakāinga housing on urban and rural whenua. His mahi frequently engaging iwi, local, central government, and corporate New Zealand.
His vision for the Wai Kōkopu project is that whānau can once again enjoy recreation and sustenance from the Waihi estuary and its connecting waterways.