Graham West
Registered Forestry Consultant (No. 183 NZ IF)

Master of Forestry Science

Graham has had a long forest research career at Scion in forest management, economic modelling, and land use. His last position at Scion (4 years ago) was Principal Technologist and has contributed to a large number of analyses involving GHG mitigation, carbon forestry, and land use options. He is passionate about the transfer of science results and building computer-based decision support tools to enable that. A recent example of this is Treefarmer at

Graham is active in consultancies related to land use, cash flow modelling, and forest harvest. He is a fourth-generation farmer and runs a small farm with dairy grazers, production forestry, and 10 ha of retired indigenous forest.

He has considerable experience with the broader forestry sector and has worked in supply chain and value chain optimisation. He has been a member of NZ Farm Forestry Association for more than 20 years and is the current National President. He is a member of NZ Institute of Forestry, the Board of the Forest Grower Levy Trust and director of ForestX, a forestry transactional business.


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